Board of Directors
Claire Reiswerg, President
Max Sukiennik, Vice President
Gary Druss, Secretary
Marc Weiss, Treasurer
Peggy Green, Director
David Rockoff, Administrator
The cemetery board meets quarterly to review financials, maintenance plans and other cemetery business.
Jewish religious customs require that Jewish burial sites be held in reverence. The religious duty (mitzvah) of burial is the responsibility of a decedent’s children or spouse.
If there are no children or spouse, it is the responsibility of the closest relative. Burial should take place promptly, preferably on the day of death, but within three days at the most.
Caring for Congregation Beth Jacob Cemetery in Galveston is the responsibility of the Board of Directors. Of paramount importance is the maintenance of the property. The board also recognizes the importance the cemetery has to the history of the local community but also our ancestor’s struggle to make a home in a new land.